The internship office exists to guide students on securing internships to develop insights into the work environment. Internship is offered as a course in USIU-Africa designed for senior undergraduate and master’s students in all academic programs at the university.


  1. Secure an Internship position in an Organization.
  2. Bring an Official Acceptance letter from the Organization.
  3. Download and complete the Contract and Indemnity forms under handouts on this page or USIU-Africa Website.
  4. Submit the acceptance letter ,contract and indemnity forms to the Internship Office for registration of the Internship class.
  5. Attend the first class meeting.
  6. Begin the Internship.
  7. Download the daily diary  and evaluation forms under handouts on this page or USIU-Africa Website. These are to be filled by the intern and signed by the site supervisor. 
  8. Write a Report on the internship experience
  9. Attend Second class meeting and bring along your report at the end of the semester.
All important communication will be made via USIU-Africa student email




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