Working with the account summary

When you successfully search for account data, as described in Looking up account data, the system returns a line of data about each account that meets your search criteria. Each line of data includes information such as the account number, a description of the account, and so forth.

Depending on your initial search criteria, the system may also display data such as:

If your results do not include data on the period or annual budget, you can refine the search to include these details, as described below.

Regardless of whether you include this information, you can also drill down to see details about specific transactions that involved any of the accounts in your search results, as described below.

+ To add budget information

  1. Click Refine Search.

  2. Use the drop-down list at the top of the page to choose Full Annual or Period Range.

  3. If appropriate, make other changes to the search criteria.

  4. Click Go.

+ To hide budget information  

  1. Click Refine Search.

  2. Use the drop-down list at the top of the page to choose No Budget Information.

  3. If appropriate, make other changes to the search criteria.

  4. Click Go.

+ To drill down for transaction details

  1. Locate the row of data that represents the account you want information on. This row should include hyperlinks in the following columns: Posted Balance, Unposted Balance, Encumbrance, and Total Against Budget.

  2. Click one of these links. In response, the system displays a window detailing each relevant transaction. These results include a description of each expense, the total amount of the expense, its date, and and a column labeled Other Transaction Information.

  3. If you want additional details, click the View link in the Other Transaction Information column. In response, the system displays any additional details that are available, such as details on the relevant purchase order (and the purchasor) or vendor (and the requestor's name).

  4. If you want to contact the requester, click that person's name. In response, the system attempts to open an e-mail message addressed to the appropriate party.

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