The United States International University spends over 70 million Kenya
Shillings on CSR projects annually, with the Community Service Day drawing the
largest participation. The Financial Aid program also ensures that bright but
needy students get access to education at the institution.
With Kenya paying special attention to Education under its Vision 2030 social
pillar, more support must be directed to ensuring the quality of education does
not decline and that students remain in school despite the continuous
challenges the sector faces.
Finding ways to creatively stimulate education for both pupils and teachers by
improving the school environment will not only impact academic achievements but
also enhance health due to the clean environment.
These same principles will be carried forward by the children into their adult
life, creating responsible citizens who pay attention to their environment.
Initiating sustainable programs and policies that safeguard and enhance school
environments will go a long way in contributing to a healthy, safe school
environment that will in turn churn a valuable workforce that will contribute
to the country’s economic environment.