Letters issued by the registrar's office include: -

  • Letters of completion (confirming all degree requirements are done)
  • Continuation Letters (confirming enrollment and progression with current semester)
  • Confirmation Letters (confirming student was in USIU-Africa)
  • Letters of varying requests by employers, academic and non-academic institutions, government and non-government-based organizations, United Nations etc.
  • Letters confirming course work delivery was in the English Language (TOEFL)
  • Confirming USIU-Africa's accreditation status
  • Confirming the grading structure followed by USIU-Africa
  • Grading structure equivalence with other institutions / conversion
  • Congratulatory letters for students on Dean's list
  • Letters required by international students for issuance of student passes and certificates of good conduct by either Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), Immigrations or other agencies.

For letter requests, e-mail specifying the type of letter required and your student ID number. Allow up to TWO working days for feedback.


Have you changed your address, Phone number, Email address or any other contact details? Pass by the registrar's office and fill a contact update form. 


Students are required to pay Ksh.1,000 for one official transcript. Once payment is made, send transaction details to the finance office at for payment verification. The various payment options are available on payments are made at the USIU- Africa Finance Office. The issued receipt is presented to the registrar's office for processing. The transcript will be processed within two working days after receiving confirmation from the Finance office.

NB:  In case you pay via Mpesa , Enter Account number: Student ID – (hyphen) then purpose code example 654XXX-TSPT. Code for Transcript  is TSPT


Lecturers are given two weeks after final exams to submit grades.  Allow one additional week for posting.  Grades are available on line. Or click here to Check Your Grades.


Refer to the Academic Calendar for specific dates.  You may register on line during registration periods.  You must know your username and password to access your online account.  Please get in touch with the USIU-Africa HelpDesk at or call extension 333 for assistance.


The Kenyan government requires all international (Non-Kenyans) students to obtain a Student's Pass.  The Student's Pass is valid for a period of one year.  The Student's Pass is required to be renewed annually.  The cost for the Student's Pass is $201 for all international students except East African Nationals.


Data Sheets show the courses registered for, class locations, days and times of attendance and charges.  This information is accessed online from your Course and Fee Statement.


Students may officially request for a Leave of Absence (LOA) for up to one academic year of study.  Absence from the University without an approved LOA requires the student to Reapply for Admission to the University along with a KShs. 3,500 - Readmission fee.


When you are within 6 months of graduating, you must apply for graduation. Only those students who fulfill their program requirements are allowed to apply. All graduating students must file a formal Application for Degree with the registration officer in the registrar’s office. Advance notice of the intent to graduate permits timely review of degree requirements. This allows you to plan or change your final term course schedule to ensure completion of all requirements. Students with NR’s, Incompletes, F’s should not apply until all previous pending unresolved requirements issues are met.


Students who wish to clear/ withdraw from the university for various reasons i.e. graduation, transfer must do so officially by applying for clearance and taking an Exit interview. To apply for clearance, visit  Click on - Student. Indicate student number and sign in to check clearance status.

For graduation clearance, all course requirements must have been completed and graded before applying for clearance.

General Academic Policies

* Dean’s List - The names of full-time undergraduate students whose session GPAs are 3.5 or over are included on the Dean’s List each semester.

* Honors - Graduating seniors who achieve the requisite cumulative grade point average during their undergraduate career will be entitled to graduate with honors, and the honors certification will be designated on their diplomas.  The following honor categories are recognized by the University:
•Summa Cum Laude  [3.90 – 4.00] 
•Magna Cum Laude  [3.70 – 3.89]; and
•Cum Laude [3.50 – 3.69;]

* Students may repeat courses to improve their academic record.  All grades earned at USIU - Africa will remain on the student’s transcript and the higher grade earned will be used to compute the grade point average.  At the undergraduate level, a maximum of four courses may be repeated.  No course may be taken more than twice without approval from the Dean.  At the master’s level, a maximum of two courses may be repeated.  No course may be taken more than twice without approval of the Dean.

* Undergraduate students must formally declare their major and minor/concentration before beginning their junior year of study at USIU - Africa. Changes of Majors are processed through the Academic Dean of the  Chandaria School of Business, School of Humanities & Social Sciences and the School of Science & Technology.

University Code of Conduct and Ethics

The University is committed to principles of scholastic honesty.  Its members are expected to abide by ethical standards both in their conduct and in their exercise of responsibility towards other members of the community.

Any student who violates the Code of Conduct and Ethics will be subject to sanctions up to and including dismissal from the University.

Students bear the responsibility not only for their own academic integrity, but also for bringing instances of suspected violations of the Academic Code of Conduct to the attention of the proper authorities.


You must be logged in to join this group.




Students completing coursework in December 2024 are required to apply for graduation from Friday, 29th November 2024 to Monday, 6th January 2025.  This will help with the processing of degree certificates. Eligible students should contact the Registrar’s office by sending an e-mail to .  Please include your student ID number, Major and Concentration/Minor.


The graduation application forms will be sent to your email address within 10 working days of signing up.




Only students who meet the following criteria should apply: -

  1. Must be registered for the FINAL courses / units in Fall Semester 2024.
  2. Should NOT be having unresolved grades (Incompletes (Is), Fs, or IPs) in their transcripts.




Please see below the graduation payment schedule for Students completing coursework by December 2024 and intending to participate in the September 2025 commencement ceremony.


  1. Undergraduates – 17,000/= (8,500 /= graduation fees and an additional refundable fee of 8,500/= gown deposit)
  2. Graduates – 23,000/= (11,500/= graduation fees and an additional refundable fee of 11,500/= gown deposit)
  3. Doctorates – 15,500/= (Graduation Fees). Graduation attire payment will be communicated at a later date.

Students graduating in absentia are required to pay graduation fees/= only as per their program levels.

Go to for information on the various payment options. 

Note that the Payment deadline is Friday, January 31, 2025.


Kind Regards,

University Registrar's Office,

Academic Affairs | United States International University - Africa














Dear Students,


Please find below information on Spring Semester 2025 Pre-Registration.


Take note of the following important dates:-


  1. Undergraduate students are scheduled to register online from Monday, 11th November 2024 to Sunday, January 12th 2025 without ANY charges.
  2. Doctorate and Masters students are scheduled to register online from Monday, 18th November 2024 to Sunday, January 12th 2025 without ANY charges.
  3. All students will still be able to Register online from Monday, 13th January 2025 to Friday, 24th January 2025 (charges apply).


ADD/DROP charges begin on Monday, 13th January 2025 and Late Registration charges begin on Tuesday, 21st January 2025. Click here for a copy of the 2024/2025 academic calendar.


To find out when you are scheduled to register, visit the USIU-Africa website by clicking here. PLEASE MARK YOUR TIME.


To access online registration click here.


Display ONLY courses relevant to your level of study (undergraduate, masters, doctorate) to avoid selecting courses that are not required to complete your degree requirements. This will incur unnecessary costs and delays in completing your studies.



The online faculty evaluation survey must be completed to allow access to registration. If your account is on any hold (Read the messages on your registration page) visit / contact the concerned office for it to be lifted before you can register i.e.: - 

  • Finance holds – Finance office,
  • Web Clearance, Leave of absence, and academic standing holds – Registrar’s office
  • Placement exam holds – Academic Course Advisors’ offices
  • Conditional Admission holds – Admissions office



    1. Pupil’s Pass: International students kindly ensure your pupil’s pass remains valid by registering as a full time student i.e. 9 and above units for undergraduates and 6 and above units for graduate and doctorate students.
    2. Always protect your passwords and change them frequently.
    3. Please take advantage of the pre-registration period to avoid unnecessary charges.




Pupil’s Pass:

International students

Kindly ensure your pupil’s pass remains valid by registering as a full time student i.e. 9 and above units for undergraduates and 6 and above units for graduates.

Registrar's Attachments

Congratulations on your fine academic performance during Fall Semester of 2024. The grades you earned have entitled you to inclusion on the Dean’s List, which recognizes those students who are demonstrating superior achievement in their course work at USIU - Africa. We are all delighted that you have earned this distinction and we hope that you will continue to meet with equal success in all of your academic endeavours.

(.pdf, 309K)

Congratulations on your fine academic performance during Summer Semester 2024. The grades you earned have entitled you to inclusion on the Dean’s List, which recognizes those students who are demonstrating superior achievement in their course work at USIU-Africa. We are all delighted that you have earned this distinction and we hope that you will continue to meet with equal success in all of your academic endeavors.

(.docx, 43K)

Congratulations on your fine academic performance during Fall Semester of 2022. The grades you earned have entitled you to inclusion on the Dean’s List, which recognizes those students who are demonstrating superior achievement in their course work at USIU. We are all delighted that you have earned this distinction and we hope that you will continue to meet with equal success in all of your academic endeavors.

(.pdf, 224K)

Congratulations on your fine academic performance during Fall Semester of 2023. The grades you earned have entitled you to inclusion on the Dean’s List, which recognizes those students who are demonstrating superior achievement in their course work at USIU. We are all delighted that you have earned this distinction and we hope that you will continue to meet with equal success in all of your academic endeavors.

(.docx, 45K)

Congratulations on your fine academic performance during Spring Semester of 2023. The grades you earned have entitled you to inclusion on the Dean’s List, which recognizes those students who are demonstrating superior achievement in their course work at USIU - Africa. We are all delighted that you have earned this distinction and we hope that you will continue to meet with equal success in all of your academic endeavors.

(.docx, 40K)

Congratulations on your fine academic performance during Summer Semester of 2023. The grades you earned have entitled you to inclusion on the Dean’s List, which recognizes those students who are demonstrating superior achievement in their course work at USIU. We are all delighted that you have earned this distinction and we hope that you will continue to meet with equal success in all of your academic endeavors.

(.docx, 49K)